Monday, December 10, 2007

Dan's Knack for Producing "Amazing" Music

I genuinely apologise for being such an offbeat blogger lately. Don't blame me though.My life has been incredibly dull so far. However,I'm sure I'd have LOADS to chatter about when the school session begins. Normally,I often feel rather insecure during that particular phase as I often have this ghastly opinion that I am lacking in various skills compared to my peers. Which is totally palpable,to be frank.I won't discuss on this matter at all currently. Just wait until school starts. That will be the period when my intense urge to stab myself or jump down a steep cliff would develop. Right now,let me show you a couple of vids that I've discovered on YouTube recently. Those videos depict Dan Radcliffe's uh,immense "gift" in music. He's a total "child prodigy" really,if you know what I mean. *ahem,ahem* Well for most of you who frequently blurt out to me that I have garish taste in men,I sincerely have this vivid notion that you'd burst into laughter after watching these vids. However,I cross my fingers and hope that none of you would wind up laughing like a hyena such as certain people do *gazes at my reflection in the mirror*

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